Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Yorking We Will Go!!!

We just got back from our trip to upstate New York to visit Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had a great time. B received lots of hugs, kisses and even a few new toys!!! It didn't take her long to figure out that she had two more names to add to her list of "People Who Will Do Anything I Say"!! We did so much in the little time we were there...I don't even know where to start! Hmmm, how 'bout starting with the plane ride there...

All I can say about flying with the beetle is...turn around while you still have time!! Seriously, she is a crazy woman and it isn't an enjoyable experience. I thought I had it timed perfectly b/c the flight was about an hour past her usual naptime. I figured she'd be nice and tired by the time we boarded, fall asleep during take off and we'd all get to relax during the flight. WRONG! First of all, we were delayed an hour and a half so by the time we boarded we were 2 1/2 hours past naptime which put B into an "over tired" situation... meaning she turned into a bouncy ball with an attitude. I'd rather not get into all the details of the flight b/c I'm trying hard to just forget about it, but lets just say it was the longest 2 hours of my life!!

This is what she looked like 10 minutes after we got off the plane...**sigh**

Ok, so she slept the whole way to their house (I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about it). We got home, she ate a chicken nugget and passed out. The end to day one.

Next day, nothing but fun. All I have to say is Hoffman's Playland baby!!! Check it out...


Goin' crazy on the tilt a whirl! The girl LOVES to spin, and I was losing it! haha So great!

You can't beat the carosel!!

Its hard to top the playland, but the fun continued the next day when we visited a nearby playground...

Good hair day or bad hair day??? You decide!

Getting some good quality time in with the grandparents was the best part!!

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