Friday, November 23, 2007

I don't think B likes turkey very much...

There are a couple of reasons I came to this conclusion...

First reason: Let me remind you of Bailey's first Thanksgiving... She had been eating solid food for about a month or so and I wanted to wait until Thanksgiving before I gave her meat for the first time. I made a big deal out of it and was so excited. I got her the Gerber (fancy brand) Turkey and gravy baby food, warmed it up and had people sit around and watch her as she took her first bites...

First bite went in, she made a terrible face of disgust, started gagging...and then started vomiting. All over herself. Over and over. It was horrible.

Needless to say people weren't really excited to have their Thanksgiving dinner after that little episode.

Well, I learned my lesson and didn't make her try turkey this year, BUT she saw mom preparing the turkey in the morning and she freaked out! She was sitting on the counter watching mom unwrap it and everything. She was laughing and having a good time, but as soon as mom began preparing it she freaked out and started crying and screaming.

We had to take her into the other room away from the turkey!!!

She did not like the way mom was manhandling her little friend!! (and believe me, I didn't mention that the little guy was cooked and eaten by her family, including mama) hehehee

Friday, November 9, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Whatever you do...

you HAVE to watch this video!!!! hahaha¤t=MVI_2044.flv
Gotta love the belly!!!

My poor dog.

Just another trip down the stairs...

My baby has mastered the stairs!!! Just a few weeks ago her plan to get from one level to the next was to either throw her body from the top step all the way to the bottom, or to ask one of us to pick her up. But the past couple weeks of practice makes perfect. Here she is mastering the stairs all by herself!!

Ok mama, I wanna go downstairs...

Starting off with confidence...

Why are you taking pictures mama?

GEEZ this is exhausting!!!

This is where I had to give her a pep talk.
"You can do it B!!"

My muscles are burning! I can't do it!!

OMG! I think I see the bottom! High five mama!

I KNEW I COULD DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

It kind of doesn't get any cuter than this!!

Before I left for work this morning I dressed B in her new jacket. I'm not sure if it was all the ooooo'ing and awwwwww'ing, but she knew she was lookin' good!!

And then of course I had to ask her how big she was....


How does one get so lucky?

Friday, October 12, 2007

The beetle's playroom

We're almost done with our basement and I've been VERY busy getting everything ready for it. Here is a sneak peek at Bailey's jungle playroom. I have finally completed the mural, although I'm still thinking of adding a monkey. She LOVES the giraffe and always wants to go down to the basement now to see him. :)

She makes the world go 'round

Don't you want to just eat her up???!!!????!!!

The reason for "the beetle"

For anyone wondering where the nickname "Beetle" came from, here is the story...

The name was born the day I found out I was pregnant. It had been about 3 months since our miscarriage and the first month my Dr gave us the ok to try again. I woke up one morning and just felt different. I wasn't nauseous, I wasn't late; I just felt different. I remembered I had a pregnancy test in my dresser drawer that was left over from the first pregnancy (they come in packs of 3). And after thinking about it for a while I decided to take the test.

About 2 minutes later I was sitting on the side of my bed, holding a positive pregnancy test. So many emotions were running through me at this very moment. First and foremost I was excited and so happy. I had a smile that just wouldn't leave my face.

But underneath my smile was also an overwhelming sense of fear, a "here we go again" feeling. Should I be so happy? Am I going to get my heart broken all over again?

I even started crying. Crying out of happiness, out of the loss that was still raw and the fear of it happening all over again.

I must have carried that test around with me for the next 10 minutes just staring at it. "There's still 2 lines, I'm definitely pregnant!" How was I going to tell Brian? Should I call him? Wait? I needed to clear my head so I sat the test down on my dresser, walked away from it, and turned on the shower. I didn't even make it into the shower before I was walking right back to it for another look. (there is just something so fascinating about a positive pregnancy test) haha

When I returned to my dresser the test was there, but it wasn't alone. Sitting on top was a little red and black spotted lady bug. I couldn't believe it. Mom always told me ladybugs are good luck and if one lands on you its a good thing! I couldn't move. I just sat there starring at it. Never had I ever seen a ladybug in my bedroom, much less the rest of my house!! It was as if my guardian angel, Bailey's little soul or God himself was telling me everything is going to be ok, this is going to work out.

From that moment on I let go of most of my fear (you'll never be without fear when you decide to be a parent!). I put my trust in this little beetle bug that decided to join me on my day of celebration, and smiled without hesitation.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Yorking We Will Go!!!

We just got back from our trip to upstate New York to visit Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had a great time. B received lots of hugs, kisses and even a few new toys!!! It didn't take her long to figure out that she had two more names to add to her list of "People Who Will Do Anything I Say"!! We did so much in the little time we were there...I don't even know where to start! Hmmm, how 'bout starting with the plane ride there...

All I can say about flying with the beetle is...turn around while you still have time!! Seriously, she is a crazy woman and it isn't an enjoyable experience. I thought I had it timed perfectly b/c the flight was about an hour past her usual naptime. I figured she'd be nice and tired by the time we boarded, fall asleep during take off and we'd all get to relax during the flight. WRONG! First of all, we were delayed an hour and a half so by the time we boarded we were 2 1/2 hours past naptime which put B into an "over tired" situation... meaning she turned into a bouncy ball with an attitude. I'd rather not get into all the details of the flight b/c I'm trying hard to just forget about it, but lets just say it was the longest 2 hours of my life!!

This is what she looked like 10 minutes after we got off the plane...**sigh**

Ok, so she slept the whole way to their house (I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about it). We got home, she ate a chicken nugget and passed out. The end to day one.

Next day, nothing but fun. All I have to say is Hoffman's Playland baby!!! Check it out...


Goin' crazy on the tilt a whirl! The girl LOVES to spin, and I was losing it! haha So great!

You can't beat the carosel!!

Its hard to top the playland, but the fun continued the next day when we visited a nearby playground...

Good hair day or bad hair day??? You decide!

Getting some good quality time in with the grandparents was the best part!!

Monday, September 17, 2007


(3 months old)
How is this the same kid??

(15 months old)

Her latest discovery...

Finally she found a spot for her finger!!!

The only sucky thing about picking your nose is sometimes you miss...


The new Friday night...

Probably the last thing most people my age would be doing with their Friday night!!

But what could be any better??

The Kiss

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shes a MAN EATER!!!

Heres a girl who sees what she wants and goes for it..

Poor sweet little guy has no idea what he is in for!

Going in for the kill...

This would make a perfect cover for the book

"He's Just Not That Into You"

-baby edition (of course)