First reason: Let me remind you of Bailey's first Thanksgiving... She had been eating solid food for about a month or so and I wanted to wait until Thanksgiving before I gave her meat for the first time. I made a big deal out of it and was so excited. I got her the Gerber (fancy brand) Turkey and gravy baby food, warmed it up and had people sit around and watch her as she took her first bites...
First bite went in, she made a terrible face of disgust, started gagging...and then started vomiting. All over herself. Over and over. It was horrible.
Needless to say people weren't really excited to have their Thanksgiving dinner after that little episode.
Well, I learned my lesson and didn't make her try turkey this year, BUT she saw mom preparing the turkey in the morning and she freaked out! She was sitting on the counter watching mom unwrap it and everything. She was laughing and having a good time, but as soon as mom began preparing it she freaked out and started crying and screaming.
We had to take her into the other room away from the turkey!!!
She did not like the way mom was manhandling her little friend!! (and believe me, I didn't mention that the little guy was cooked and eaten by her family, including mama) hehehee